Look at our tired faces. he-he we slept at about 2 am and woke up very early morning because we don't want to waste our precious day. We met up with Sue Lin at the train station and she drove us to Chadstone Shopping Centre with her new car. I'm impressed with her manual skills because I suck at it. Stop driving manual ever since I got my driving license. ha-ha.
The only picture I had with her. We had our late brunch at the food court. After eating we walk around the mall and I saw S U P R E! I was so super duper happy but when I walk in I felt weird. You know why? Because of the price!! Supre used to be in city but it was closed down! They start to be more commercialized I guess. I came out from the shop empty handed because the price is expensive. No worries I head to jayjays to get more clothing. He bought 3 shirts I think. He actually shopped more than me during the first few days. Then we passed this shop called Rampage, closing down and everything was marked down. I bought a top and 3 thongs because it is so cheap. Nothing much to walk around we decided to bid goodbye to each other and thanks for the ride.
Later evening it was family dinner. They brought us to this korean restaurant operated by husband and wife only. 1 person cook. 1 person service. Really a 1 man show.
The food was really good! Sorry people I forgot the name of the dishes. head back to our apartment and pack up as we are moving to his brother's house to stay. I finished up my final two vodka cruisers bottle. =D
chuck our luggage aside and quickly google search the supre factory outlet. We took 2 hours to travel there and 2 hours to travel back.
I totally forgotten to take picture with the big SUPRE word that day. Aiks but no worries I went back home with bag full of clothes. =D Got back home and had a quick change for our Valentine's day dinner. We were so happy and excited as this is our first overseas Valentine celebration. =D
We took a bus and tram straight to Lygon Street. I saw girls holding flowers. ha-ha. Not feeling jealous thou. See the picture above? Beautiful ladies singing for erm I'm not sure for what but they were good. It was in front of the florist shop. He asked me if I want flowers I say it's okay we are leaving tomorrow and I have nowhere to keep the flowers. *what an understanding girlfriend I am* ha-ha
We couldn't find Max Brenner. Probably we missed it so we head to Koko Black. As usual full house we waited for our turn. Checking out the chocolates and the ice cream shop beside it.
Our stomach was very full couldn't fit ice cream inside. Later on we decided to head on to our next adventure. We took about half and hour to reach! It was a very very long walk. It was all worth it and indeed a very superb good experience we ever had. Didn't manage to catch the last train as we have no small change so we took a cab home! Tired but happy.
The next morning we woke up early again. Head to westfield for shopping. We bought clothes in Jayjays again. ha-ha
The portion was big. The roast pork was awesome. After our brunch we walked around the mall and the city. I bought 3 cans of abalone for my dad. Oh yeah abalone in bah kut teh is awesome.

Last few pictures! Head back home to continue our packing and had dinner. After that we head out for a small walk around the housing area.


Red Rooster

My final picture with Ginger. =)

*mind the blur-ness of the photo*
Goodbye Melbourne. We shall visit you again. =)
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