yes I was suppose to blog about my unique experience that I have won last year which is
15th May 2011. *wink wink*
I would say it is the most unique experience because something happened and I didn't really share among my friends as it is quite embarrassing.
I had lunch with my colleagues at Empire Subang and suddenly the digi lady came to me. She said just take a peek and guess whats inside. If your guess is correctly we will take a picture of you and upload to our fanpage. All you got to do is get as many likes as possible. If you won, there will be 4 unique experiences to choose. =) So without hesitation I went for it. Yes Grace Tan won the competition. Thanks to everyone's votes.

So guess which unique experience I chose? Well I wish to enjoy all 4. *greedy* My final decision was Pilot for a day. How awesome is that? I like driving fast cars but how often you get to experience sitting in the plane and fly it. I received email from them that 15th May 2011 is the day where all 4 winners meet up and enjoy the unique experience. Yes all of us chose Pilot for a day. Guess what I was the only female that won. *ha-ha*
Drag myself to wake up super early. My handsome man pick me up and off we go to Subang Airport. We had Mcd breakfast. Me acting cool and with panda eyes. @_@ We saw few people standing outside registering and I joined in too. The guy took a short interview with me. *camera shy*
Hooray me and him at the airport where all the private planes are. Some of the planes are owned by super duper rich people. They park their planes here. Like us we park our cars. Lol.
Before we hop on to the plane, the pilot will give us a short briefing. I was trying very hard to listen but not easy and its complicated thats why I is not engineer or pilot.
After the short briefing, we get close to the plane and show us what need to be check before we fly off.
After all are done, yes its time to fly. I'm the first winner. nervous like hell because you are flying a plane. Well not that big big plane you sat to go overseas. ha-ha
Pilot adjust and checking. Me sit there watch and wait patiently to fly off. The mic must be near to your mouth if not no one can hear you talking. Pity me the headphones one of it was not working so I could hear 1 side.
Awesome. time to fly off. ^^v Guess who took this picture? yes is my handsome man. Pilot guy say there should be no problem to join in. Well you guys know my handsome man's weight. ha-ha his size can be compared to the pilot. He sat behind me and have to cramp up with the videographer. The back seat was quite small.
Up up we gooooooooooooo
Getting higher and higher
We are high up the sky. Omg. the feeling was crazy and scary at the same time. Then the pilot let me tryout the control. Of course he will guide me. It was awesome.
Hello Kota Damansara. We pass NKVE, Subang, Ara Damasara and couldn't get far as it was quite foggy plus there is military training in KL.
Why I look like that? This is the most embarrassing part. I vomited. There I say it. Now the whole wide world knows about it. Yes I vomit because I was too nervous stress and feeling a bit wobbly when I'm up in the sky. Stupid me. I thought I could hold it but no it just came out so the pilot have to shorten my awesome trip. =( I couldn't experience other flying tactics.
I ran out and vomit everything out. Videographer just have to interview me. I was feeling super unwell and pale. I took a nap at the cabin while the 3 winners go enjoy it. I'm the worst winner. Pilot guy say its ok. It happens to me before I vomited more than you. So do not feel bad and worry about it. Pilot guy consoled me. *shy*
Me and my handsome man
Our last picture with the pilot before we head home. After all the experience, I kept blaming myself oh gosh why did I vomit, it is like the one and only experience. My handsome man will always say this to me. What done is done. I think if they did the 180 degree I will vomit too. Ha-ha I laughed. He knows I feel bad and he say things to cheer me up. Thank you so much for companying me. During the night I had dinner with my family and I shared the whole story. They also laughed at me cause I say I vomited. It's ok I'm fine now
The next day I went to laminate my certificate. =)
Till then