Monday, July 24, 2006
METROBALL~~~oledi 1mth nw onli write bout my prom nite~~er....metroball happen at 30th june n is my 1st time go prom nite but the gradin i giv is ok lo not bad la~~hehe i got no partner tat nite but still got frens company me....the performance oso not bad n i got few prizes too~~the most hapin ting le is i got lucky draw hahahaha but i expect a hp as my prize but too bad not lucky enough~~n den at 11.30 p.m sdly thy put disco song hahahaha me n my frens were dancin lik crazy...the music played non stop until 12 i was quite hapi too dancin the whole nite as if we r in disco~~so many happy ting but too bad metroball onli happen once evy2 yr~~tats all~~ =>
Sunday, July 9, 2006
i go melaka again man~~but onli for 1 night with my family~~~~as usual la eat n shopping onli~~i wen there eat alot n shop abit so finally i bought i low heels shoes~~~~quite nice n cheap lo~~aiya in melaka tis shopping complex i guess evy1 oso knw la~~well is """"MADAM KINGS"""""haha tis yr mega sale tats y cheap~~bout eating i ate hehe of cos CHICKEN RICE BALL n at nite we wen restaurant eat DUCK n REAL SHARK FIN SOUP~~~not bad le~~~after tat my family not satisfied yet thy wen n buy popiah n kuih lobak~~haha i hate 1 1/2 popiah n den later eat CRAB~~WALAUYEH 2 BIG CRAB COST RM 77.70 BUT MY PAPA WAS SO ANGRY LIK HELL COS HE SY DAM STUPID CRAB BUT COST RM 77.70???RU KIDDING MAN NEX TIME NO MORE EATING THERE~~~LOLZ~~but i tink is nice duno y he tinks not nice at all~~~~well den later go back hotel lo n sleep so tired~~den sunday i reach home so fast COS MY DAD DRIVE SO FASTn once i reach home i slpt whole day dam tired canot tahan~~tats all bout my 1 nite trip~~~
Thursday, July 6, 2006
evyting is over
exam over prom nite oso over football almost over y all going 2 b over lah~~start holiday quite boring oso cos ntg 2 do evytime wake up late den 1st ting i do face computer den watch tv la eat la do housework la tats all~~evyday oso the same i want go out oso canot~~nw im worying my exam result evyday oso cant slp cos im tinking bout my result~~o man~~i realy hop i can pass lah~~pls~~~~~~~~~~
evytime come 2 holiday i will feel v v v v bored~~~got holiday no holiday oso same la cant go out~~haih~~

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